Sunday, November 20, 2011

Snow in Yakima

So, we don't get alot of snow in Yakima during the winter.  I've been told usually less than a foot all winter.  Well, I think I've brought the Midwest winter weather to Yakima.  We've had snow twice this week.  Once on Wednesday (which I missed because I was up in the Seattle/Tacoma area) and Saturday.  Hopefully this only happens a couple more times this winter.  I'm kinda looking forward to a semi-snow free winter.  Haha!

Right Side of Our Backyard - 1st Snowfall

Left Side of the Backyard - 1st Snowfall

Right Side - 2nd Snowfall

Kinda Look Like Fluffy Slippers!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Many jokes have been made about me being a housewife (mainly because I wear an apron . . . I'm messy when I cook!!) I decided that it would be fun to be a 1950's housewife for Halloween!!  I had the apron but what about the dress?  Trying to find one that didn't cost an arm and a leg was near impossible.  So, one of my good friends out here in WA has an amazing sewing machine and knows how to use it!!  Off to the fabric store we went and found a pattern.  A couple of days later, fabric was found!!  Yay!!  20 hours later, dress complete.  Add a string of pearls and hair in a french twist up-do and you've got Kate as a 1950's housewife.  I think I look pretty good!!  Haha!!!  (For the record . . . the apron in the photo is that apron I wear everyday . . . seriously, everyday!)