Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Little by Little

We are slowing working towards completely having the house put together.  We finished another section this weekend with the addition of Shawn's man-cave in the garage.  He has been getting things organized in there during his few hours of free time these last few weeks.  Last weekend we knocked out the rest of it when we put up the peg board.

Rambo decided to hang out and check out the new motorcycle while we  worked.

Completed Man Cave
Now all we need to do is add more tools and Harley stuff.  (Christmas wish list!!)  Shawn already has a list of things he wants to build.  At the top (or at least near the top) is a dog house for Rambo!! (Or at least a platform for his kennel to sit on!)

"Okay, what do you want to help with?"

Friday, June 17, 2011


We've picked up a few new hobbies this last month or so around our house.  The big one that everyone is involved in is our make-shift garden in the back. We've got a couple of the Topsy-Turvey tomato and strawberry planters, a litter herb garden, spinach, and a bleeding heart plant from Shawn's parents.  They are all doing very well, except the spinach.  Only half of it came up, so since our growing season is so long I'm gonna plant another bit in a week or so.  The garden idea came from the boys and they spend more time taking care of and watering them than the girls do.  They were more excited about the tiny strawberries, too!!

Little, Baby Strawberries!

One of Our Tomato Plants

See the Baby Tomatoes!

Spinach . . . Sad Only Half Came Up

Can't Remember What's What . . . But the Boys Do!
I have also been enjoying our hammock.  I try to sneak away for a hour or so a day to lay there and read.  Its so relaxing.  I think everyone needs a hammock.  Just because I love it so much, here's another picture.  :)

Add a Nice Breeze and You've Got the Perfect Recipe for Relaxation

Shawn also picked up a hobby in the form of a motorcycle.  He took his motorcycle safety class and the next week bought a bike.  Its the one thing he promised himself he'd get when he got back from deployment.  Its actually a great investment because he rides it to work and it spending $20 a week in gas verses $60 a week. With the outlook on gas prices, the bike will pay for itself in no time.  Plus, every time he comes home after a ride he's got the biggest grin on his face.  Its fantastic to see him so relaxed and happy.

Lookin' Good, Honey!!

Can't end a post without an update on Rambo!  He's enjoyed having Chief here.  Chief takes one of Rambo's squeaky balls and runs around the house while Rambo chases after him.  We missed a few days with Chief and Rambo started to pout.  Hardly eating, didn't want treats . . . I was getting a bit nervous.  As soon as Chief walked in the house, Rambo was back to normal.  Funny how dogs miss their friends, too.

"I love the LoveSac!"

Friday, June 3, 2011

First Month in Yakima

It's been about a month now that I've been living in Yakima.  We've gotten a bit of time to see some sights.  We spent a weekend in Leavenworth for Maifest.  Its a German celebration celebrating the start of May and Spring. The town of Leavenworth has completely embraced the heritage and require all store fronts and signs to have the Bavarian/German feel to it.

Main Street in Leavenworth
Rambo even got into the spirit with a Bavarian style hat!

After stuffing ourselves silly on the amazing food and drink, the boys decided we were going to take some Old Time Photos.  We had a good time with it, especially Shawn who got into character.  Haha!

Careful . . . we're coming to get you!!

Here are a few photos of our house.  I'll post more when things slow down.  Its so crazy here with everyone that its tough to keep it clean long enough to take a picture.  But, I love my roommates and wouldn't trade them for anything!!!

Front Door

Our Street



I have been watching our friend's dog, Chief, during the day.  He helps pass the days along until I find a job.  We checked out a dog part in the area and loved it so much we're heading back there very soon.  Chief loved being off the leash and chasing down his ball, which he is completely obsessed with.

Creek bed but no water . . . too dry here.

Nice shade area for everyone to rest in.

Last item . . . we got a hammock!!  Its fantastic to relax in!  We've been wanting one since Glenna and Bill brought one with camping last summer.  Just for the record, hammocks are AWESOME!! I laid down and instantly fell asleep.  Rambo joined me and we snuggled for awhile.  Unfortunately, now our backyard looks like an obstacle course.  Haha!

Relaxation at its finest!